Chief Operating Officer/Directeur.rice de l’exploitation

In the spirit of respect, reciprocity, and truth we honour and acknowledge that our work occurs across Turtle Island (North America) that has been home since time immemorial to the ancestors of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples. We recognize the contributions of Indigenous people around the world and support the ongoing struggle for self-determination and sovereignty. We work to understand the history of the lands upon which we are guests and contribute to justice for all Indigenous Peoples.
Tamarack Institute (Tamarack) catalyzes collective action with diverse leaders to solve major community challenges including ending poverty, building youth futures, building belonging, and building just climate transitions. Tamarack’s vision is to build a connected force for community change. Through its work in Vibrant Communities, Tamarack supports networks focused on four outcomes.
• Communities Ending Poverty: A network and movement dedicated to ending poverty in Canada, made up of more than 400 municipalities and represented by 90 regional roundtables.   
• Communities Building Belonging: Strengthening neighbourhoods and ending social isolation and polarization in Canada. Communities Building Belonging is a network of 8000+ learners and growing, helping communities to build belonging and thrive.
• Communities Building Youth Futures: A youth-led and youth-centered network of 20 communities across Turtle Island that supports the creation of new pathways from high school to post-secondary, training, employment, and community leadership opportunities.  
• Community Climate Transitions: A movement of 35+ collaboratives across 10 provinces and one US state that are advancing local climate action and equity through multi-sector partnerships and approaches that centre residents and the community.  
Tamarack’s Learning Centre translates community-developed knowledge and success stories into purposeful practice and skill-building tools that advance the five interconnected practices of community change. 
Since its founding, Tamarack has sought to centre those with lived and living experience of poverty in its work. More recently, in the Tamarack 2030 Plan, Tamarack committed to contributing to work that brings Canada’s poverty rate below 5%; and that interrupts racism, colonialization, xenophobia, and other forms of oppression. Tamarack has also committed to increasing its connection to the more than 25% of people on Turtle Island who identify as Francophone.
It is within this context that Tamarack invites applications and nominations for the appointment of its inaugural Chief Operating Officer (COO). The COO will join Tamarack’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Board, the Institute’s amazing team, and the larger Tamarack community in catalyzing transformational, community-led outcomes.
As a key partner reporting to the CEO, the COO will enhance Tamarack’s people & culture, operational, risk management, and financial capabilities and build processes that support alignment across the organization. The COO will create and champion structures that support Tamarack’s team to understand the changing contexts of communities, to build the capacity of changemakers, to accelerate the impact of place-based partnerships, and to amplify local work to influence public policy and advance systems change at a national level.
The COO will work alongside and provide leadership to the people & culture, finance, operations, and technology/digital infrastructure teams. They will drive people and culture practices, including initiatives related to decision-making authority and role clarity, continued team cohesion, and the talent management cycle of a growing, geographically dispersed, 100% remote team. The COO will also play a key role in supporting a multi-year journey to implement the recommendations that emerged from Tamarack’s equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, and reconciliation audit.
The COO will steward Tamarack’s financial health and sustainability and oversee all financial reporting, budgeting, forecasting, financial analysis, and compliance requirements. They will prepare Board reports and act as Board Secretary. They will play a key role in evolving Tamarack’s social enterprise and in diversifying revenue for the organization and for place-based partnerships across Turtle Island.
Using an existing risk management framework, the COO will oversee and prioritize Tamarack’s opportunities and mitigate risks. The COO will develop and steward internal planning processes (e.g. annual operational planning); assess and prioritize areas for improvement in internal processes and workflows; develop tools to support all team members; and steward an organizational dashboard that supports the use of meaningful data for learning and improvement.
In the language of place-based partnerships, Tamarack’s COO will be the “backbone of the backbone.”
This appointment calls for a leader who is equally decisive, adaptive, relational, and strategic. As the ideal candidate, you are a people-, process-, and systems-focused leader and understand how to enable, nurture, and transform organizations, and operationalize strategic initiatives and collective vision. You would appreciate frequent thought-partnership with a CEO, and you would find energy in assessing emergent opportunities.
You bring demonstrated team leadership experience, operational expertise, the ability to lead people and culture practices, and have financial acumen, including but not limited to budgeting, forecasting, analysis, and reporting experience. You can support good governance in a non-profit setting by working with a volunteer Board of Directors, and you would be comfortable leading teams in a remote and geographically dispersed environment. Demonstrated commitment to, and the ability to support and embed, equity, diversity, inclusion, justice and reconciliation (EDIJR) is required. You can work within anti-racist and anti-oppressive frameworks and have an understanding of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. You are someone who believes in the power of partnerships that involve people with a range of experiences and perspectives. As Tamarack is committed to engaging and elevating the voice of those most impacted by issues who have the greatest insight into possible solutions, lived/living experience is a definite asset.
With proven change management experience and conflict resolution skills, you build structure and lead through growth with genuine care, compassion, and action. Your analytical and process improvement skills, alongside your exceptional communication and interpersonal skills allow you to implement strategies and foster effective communication pathways, collaborative spaces, efficiencies, and connectedness. You can establish goals, develop implementation plans, monitor progress, ensure effective accountability and strategic alignment, and use data to celebrate, learn, plan, and improve. You work across ideological differences, seek other perspectives, opinions, approaches, and are a lifelong learner. The ability to communicate in both French and English is an asset.
Salary & Benefits:
Tamarack provides a competitive salary and benefits, RRSP package after two years of service, an annual professional development fund, a monthly technology fund, an annual gratitude fund to express gratitude to partners and teammates, flex time, and Focus Fridays. Tamarack’s paid time off includes the flexible option to take three statutory holidays on days that hold meaning to you. Tamarack close its offices the last week of December. Tamarack operates within a progressive management philosophy. This is a full-time 40-hour per week position and compensation is rated between $120,000 and $150,000 a year. The successful candidate will be offered a salary that is commensurate with experience.
Work Environment:
As with most positions at Tamarack, you may reside in any location in Canada. Tamarack is a remote work environment, and your designated office space may be in your home. This role will require overnight travel approximately quarterly in Canada and potentially in the US and other countries, via a learning fund allocated to all team members. It will also require some local travel.
Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, applications from Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority, in accordance with Canadian immigration regulations.
Application Process:
To apply or explore this key leadership position at Tamarack Institute further, please submit a comprehensive resume along with a cover letter, in confidence, to Sam Walton ( and/or Caroline McLean ( or visit: INSERT HYPERLINK
Tamarack is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Tamarack welcomes applications from all qualified individuals, and strongly encourages applications from systemically underserved communities to apply, including Indigenous persons, racialized persons, persons with disabilities, persons of all sexual orientations and/or gender identities, and members of other equity-deserving groups.
Tamarack and Griffith Group are committed to an inclusive, accessible and welcoming hiring process that provides reasonable accommodation to all applicants. Please advise Sam Walton ( should you require any accommodation to participate in this posting, recruitment, selection and/or assessment processes.
Dans un esprit de respect, de réciprocité et de vérité, nous honorons et reconnaissons que notre travail se déroule sur l’ile de la Tortue (Amérique du Nord) qui, depuis toujours, est la demeure des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuit.e.s. Nous reconnaissons les contributions des peuples autochtones du monde entier et nous appuyons la lutte continue pour l’autodétermination et la souveraineté. Nous nous efforçons de comprendre l’histoire des terres sur lesquelles nous sommes des invité.e.s et contribuons à la justice pour tous les peuples autochtones.
L’Institut Tamarack contribue à catalyser l’action collective d’une diversité de leadeur.euse.s pour résoudre les principaux enjeux de la communauté, notamment pour mettre fin à la pauvreté, bâtir l’avenir des jeunes, renforcer les liens communautaires et lutter contre le changement climatique. Notre vision est de construire une force collective multipliée en faveur du changement communautaire. Grâce à notre travail au sein de nos Réseaux pour le changement, nous soutenons de multiples communautés axées sur quatre résultats.
• Les Communautés éliminant la pauvreté : un réseau et un mouvement dédié à l’élimination de la pauvreté au Canada, composés de plus de 400 municipalités et représentés par 90 tables rondes régionales.   
• Les Communautés bâtissant l’appartenance : un réseau qui renforce les quartiers et met fin à l’isolement social et à la polarisation au Canada.
Les Communautés bâtissant l’appartenance est un réseau de plus de 8 000 apprenant.e.s en pleine croissance, aidant les collectivités à développer leur appartenance et à prospérer.
• Les Communautés bâtissant l’avenir des jeunes : un réseau dirigé pour et par les jeunes de 20 communautés de l’île de la Tortue, qui appuie la création de nouvelles voies d’accès de l’école secondaire au postsecondaire, la formation, l’emploi et les possibilités de leadeurship communautaire.  
• Les Communautés en faveur d’une transition socioécologique : un mouvement de plus de 35 collaborations dans 10 provinces et un État américain qui font progresser l’action climatique locale et l’équité grâce à des partenariats et des approches multisectorielles qui centralisent l’importance des résident.e.s et des communautés.  
Le Centre de compétences pour le changement : transforme les connaissances et les récits de réussite acquis depuis les communautés en une pratique ciblée et en outils d’acquisition de compétences qui font progresser les cinq pratiques interreliées du changement communautaire. 
Depuis sa fondation, l’Institut Tamarack a cherché à positionner les personnes ayant une expérience vécue et courante des enjeux qu’il traite dans son travail. Plus récemment, dans le Tamarack 2030 Plan, l’Institut Tamarack s’est engagé à contribuer aux travaux qui ramèneront le taux de pauvreté du Canada en dessous de 5 % ce qui interrompt la croissance potentielle du racisme, du colonialisme, de la xénophobie et d’autres formes d’oppression. L’Institut s’est également engagé à accroître ses liens avec plus de 25 % des résident.e.s de l’île de la Tortue qui s’identifient en tant que francophones.
C’est dans ce contexte que l’Institut lance un appel à candidatures et à nominations pour son/sa premier.ère directeur.rice de l’exploitation. Le/la directeur.rice de l’exploitation rejoindra la présidente-directrice générale (PDG), le conseil d’administration, l’incroyable équipe de l’Institut Tamarack et la communauté plus large de l’Institut dans son ensemble pour faciliter les résultats reliés aux changements dirigés par les communautés et basés sur le lieu.
En tant que partenaire clé relevant de la PDG, le/la directeur.rice de l’exploitation améliorera les processus reliés aux ressources humaines et à la culture d’entreprise, la capacité opérationnelle, la gestion des risques et des finances et élaborera des processus qui soutiennent l’harmonisation à la grandeur de l’Institut Tamarack. Le/La directeur.rice de l’exploitation créera des structures qui soutiennent l’équipe de l’Institut dans la compréhension du contexte changeant des communautés, des structures qui renforcent la capacité des acteur.rice.s du changement, qui accélèrent l’impact des partenariats basés sur le lieu et qui amplifient le travail local d’influence des politiques publiques tout en faisant progresser le changement des systèmes à un niveau national.
Le/La directeur.rice de l’exploitation travaillera de pair avec la direction pour assurer le leadeurship des équipes chargées des personnes et de la culture, des finances, des opérations et de la technologie/infrastructure numérique.
Il/elle dirigera les pratiques concernant les personnes et la culture, y compris les initiatives liées au pouvoir décisionnel et à la clarté des rôles, la cohésion continue de l’équipe et le cycle de gestion des talents d’une équipe en pleine croissance, géographiquement dispersée et œuvrant à 100 % en distanciel. Le/La directeur.rice de l’exploitation jouera également un rôle clé en soutenant un parcours pluriannuel qui met en œuvre les recommandations issues de notre examen de contrôle sur l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion, la justice et la réconciliation.
Le/La directeur.rice de l’exploitation veillera à la santé financière et la pérennité de l’Institut et supervisera toutes les exigences en matière de rapports financiers, de budgétisation, de prévisions, d’analyse financière et de conformité. Il/Elle préparera les rapports du Conseil d’administration et agira en tant que secrétaire du Conseil. Il/Elle jouera un rôle clé dans l’évolution de l’entreprise sociale de l’Institut et dans la diversification des revenus de l’organisation et des partenariats locaux à travers l’île de la Tortue.
En utilisant un cadre de gestion des risques existant, le/la directeur.rice de l’exploitation supervisera et priorisera les occasions qui peuvent se présenter pour l’Institut et atténuera les risques potentiels. Il/Elle développera et gérera les processus de planification interne (par exemple, la planification opérationnelle annuelle), évaluera et priorisera les éléments à améliorer concernant les processus et le flux du travail à l’interne, développera des outils pour soutenir tous les membres de l’équipe et gérera un tableau de bord organisationnel qui prend en charge l’utilisation de données significatives pour des fins d’apprentissage et d’amélioration.
Dans le langage des partenariats locaux, le/la directeur.rice de l’exploitation de l’Institut Tamarack sert « d’épine dorsale appuyant l’ossature de l’organisme ».
Ce poste requiert un.e leadeur.euse tout aussi dé, et flexible que relationnel.e. et stratégique. En tant que candidat.e. idéal.e, vous êtes un.e leadeur.euse axé.e sur l’humain, les processus et les systèmes et comprenez comment activer, entretenir et transformer les organisations, et opérationnaliser les initiatives stratégiques et la vision collective. Vous appréciez l’échange et la réflexion en continu en partenariat avec le/la PDG et vous êtes doté.e de l’énergie requise pour identifier et évaluer les opportunités émergentes.
Votre expérience en leadeurship d’équipe est bien établie, de même que votre expertise opérationnelle, votre capacité de diriger des personnes ainsi que la culture d’entreprise. Vous avez le sens des affaires, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, une expérience en matière de budgétisation, de prévision, d’analyse et de création de rapports s’y rapportant. Vous êtes capable de soutenir une gouvernance saine dans un environnement à but non lucratif en travaillant avec un conseil d’administration bénévole, et vous seriez à l’aise pour diriger des équipes dans un environnement œuvrant en distanciel et géographiquement dispersé.
Vous faites preuve d’engagement et vous avez la capacité de soutenir et d’intégrer l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion, la justice et la réconciliation (EDIJR) dans les processus. Vous avez la capacité de travailler dans des cadres antiracistes et anti-oppressifs et de comprendre les appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation. Vous êtes une personne qui croit au pouvoir des partenariats impliquant des personnes proposant une gamme d’expériences et de perspectives variée. À l’Institut, nous nous engageons à mobiliser et à promouvoir la voix des personnes les plus touchées par les enjeux que nous visons à transformer, qui en ont une expérience pertinente, afin de mieux envisager les solutions possibles.
Muni.e d’une expérience éprouvée en gestion du changement et de compétences en résolution de conflits, vous construisez des structures et en dirigez la croissance avec une attention et une compassion réelles. Vos compétences analytiques et en amélioration des processus, ainsi que vos forces exceptionnelles en communication et en relations interpersonnelles, vous permettent de mettre en œuvre des stratégies et de favoriser des voies de communication efficaces et des espaces collaboratifs avec efficacité tout en gardant un sens de la connectivité communautaire. Vous établissez des objectifs, élaborez des plans de mise en œuvre et suivez la progression des initiatives. Vous assurer des processus de responsabilisation efficaces et un alignement stratégique, et utilisez les données pour célébrer les gains, apprendre des expériences communes, planifier l’avenir et améliorer le tout en continu. Vous naviguez bien les différences idéologiques et recherchez les perspectives, opinions et approches diversifiés, et la perspective d’être un.e apprenant.e tout au long de votre vie vous stimule. La capacité de communiquer en français et en anglais est un atout.
Salaire et avantages sociaux
L’Institut Tamarack offre un salaire et des avantages sociaux concurrentiels, un programme de REER après deux ans de service, un fonds annuel de perfectionnement professionnel, un fonds servant à la technologie, un fonds de gratitude annuel pour les membres de l’équipe afin qu’ils/elles puissent exprimer leur gratitude aux partenaires et aux coéquipier.ère.s, du temps flexible et des vendredis sans réunions. Nos congés payés comprennent l’option flexible de prendre deux jours fériés les jours qui vous tiennent à cœur. Nous fermons nos bureaux la dernière semaine de décembre. L’Institut Tamarack fonctionne au moyen d’une philosophie de gestion progressive. Il s’agit d’un poste à temps plein de 40 heures par semaine et la rémunération se situe entre 120 000 $ et 150 000 $ par année. Le/la candidat.e retenu.e se verra offrir un salaire proportionnel à son expérience.
Milieu de travail
Comme pour la plupart des postes de l’Institut Tamarack, vous pouvez résider n’importe où au Canada. Le travail de l’Institut se fait à distance et votre espace de bureau désigné peut être à domicile. Ce rôle nécessitera des déplacements de nuit environ tous les trimestres au Canada et potentiellement aux États-Unis et dans d’autres pays, appuyés par un fonds d’apprentissage alloué à tous les membres de l’équipe. Le poste nécessitera également quelques déplacements locaux.
Veuillez noter que tous les candidat.e.s qualifié.e.s sont encouragé.e.s à postuler, cependant, les demandes des et des résident.e.s permanent.e.s seront prioritaires, conformément à la réglementation canadienne en matière d’immigration.
Processus d’appel à candidature
Pour postuler ou explorer davantage ce poste de direction clé de l’Institut Tamarack, veuillez soumettre un curriculum vitae complet accompagné d’une lettre de motivation, à titre confidentiel, à Sam Walton ( ou/et Caroline McLean ( ou sur notre site web : INSERT HYPERLINK
L’Institut s’engage à créer un environnement diversifié et est fier d’être un employeur respectant l’égalité des chances. L’Institut Tamarack accueille les candidatures de toutes les personnes qualifiées et encourage fortement les candidatures des communautés mal desservies par les systèmes, y compris les Autochtones, les personnes racialisées, les personnes en situation de handicap, les personnes de toutes orientations sexuelles et/ou identités de genre et les membres d’autres groupes méritant l’équité.
L’Institut Tamarack et le Griffith Group s’engagent à suivre un processus d’embauche inclusif, accessible et accueillant qui offre des aménagements raisonnables à tous les candidat.e.s. Veuillez informer Sam Walton ( si vous avez besoin d’aménagements pour participer à ces processus d’affichage, de recrutement, de sélection et/ou d’évaluation.

Assistant Vice-President, School of Continuing Studies

The University of Guelph’s campuses reside within the lands of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum. The University recognizes that the Anishinaabeg, Hodinohso:ni, Lūnaapéewak and Huron-Wendat peoples have inhabited these lands for centuries and that today these lands are home to a rich diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. The University upholds its commitments to seeking truth and advancing reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and affirms its responsibility to realize these commitments through its ongoing actions.
The University of Guelph’s mission is to Improve Life. These two simple words are the cornerstone of an institution committed to building a better future. The institution’s culture is what draws the best and the brightest to the University of Guelph. Students, faculty and staff choose the University of Guelph for its reputation as one of the best comprehensive and research-intensive universities in Canada. The University’s reputation for academic excellence is matched by its dedication to student success. The University consistently places at the top of student satisfaction rankings year-over-year. Its graduates and researchers change the world for the better every day in big ways and small. The University’s strength is in its people. If you are looking for a place to make a difference and improve life, you’ve found it at the University of Guelph.
The University is now embarking on a journey to create a new vision for the School of Continuing Studies by expanding the revenue generation abilities of the unit. It is within this context that the University of Guelph invites applications and nominations for the appointment of its inaugural Assistant Vice-President, School of Continuing Studies commencing fall 2024, or soon after.
Reporting to the Provost and Vice-President Academic, the Assistant Vice-President, Continuing Education (AVP) will work collaboratively with Deans and members of the University’s senior leadership team in developing, guiding, and advancing the school’s new strategic direction. The AVP is the University’s key leader in continuing education and will build upon the success of the University’s continuing education and distance learning offerings to drive innovation, foster collaboration, and develop strategic partnerships internally and externally to enhance the school’s offerings and extend the reach of the school to a global audience. The AVP will actively engage in, and support, business development and revenue generation opportunities to ensure the financial sustainability of the school in both the short term and long term. Working with a dedicated leadership team, the AVP oversees all operations of the school, including compliance with relevant regulations, policies, and accreditation standards, budgeting, staffing, resource allocation, while also developing and implementing a strategic vision for the school that aligns with the University’s Strategic Plan and Strategic Transformation Initiative. The AVP will enhance and support the school’s culture of entrepreneurialism, fosters partnerships and strategic alliances across campus and with external partners including government, business sector groups and community organizations, and develops learner services and support programs to enhance student success and satisfaction. The AVP will participate in University governance committees as required, ensure that information/data is accurately maintained and analyzed against performance targets, and convey regular updates to senior leadership as required.
As the ideal candidate, you bring experience and a record of successful innovation and growth in continuing studies from a similar environment such as a large-scale education or training operation. You have progressive experience in leadership, management, and with revenue generation responsibilities in a large and multi-layered complex organization. You have exceptional strategic, business, change management and business development skills, including a track record of strong operations experience, including budgeting and forecasting. As a visionary leader, you have a passion for lifelong learning, an entrepreneurial approach, and will develop relevant strategic partnership to guide growth. As a relationship builder, you demonstrate resilience in highly complex, politically sensitive situations and are skilled with negotiating partnership agreements, ideally between a university and professional, business, or industry associations as well as with community organization, including those in systemically underserved areas. While a Graduate degree is preferred, the committee will consider a combination of relevant education and experience.
It is within this context that the University of Guelph invites applications. To apply or explore this key leadership position at the University of Guelph, please submit a comprehensive curriculum vitae along with a cover letter in confidence to Jane Griffith ( ) and Caroline McLean ( ) or LINK TO BE ADDED
At the University of Guelph, fostering a culture of inclusion is an institutional imperative. The University welcomes applications from all qualified individuals, and strongly encourages applications from women, members of Indigenous, Black, and racialized communities; Two-Spirit, non-binary, trans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer people; people with disabilities; and members of other equity-deserving groups.
The University of Guelph and Griffith Group are committed to an inclusive, accessible and welcoming hiring process that provides reasonable accommodation to all applicants. Please advise Jane Griffith ( should you require any accommodation to participate in the recruitment and assessment processes.
Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, applications from Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority, in accordance with Canadian immigration regulations. Candidates must therefore indicate in their application if they are a permanent resident or citizen of Canada.

Board of Directors was created in memory of Jack Windeler, a first-year student at Queen’s University who died by suicide at 18 years old. Jack’s parents, Eric Windeler and Sandra Hanington, co-founded to provide young people with mental health education and to ensure that those struggling can access the support they deserve. is on a mission to empower young individuals with community, knowledge, and tools to champion mental well-being. It stands poised and empowered for this crucial task, fortified by dedicated donors, a robust financial reserve, visionary leadership, and a high-performing team eager to drive change. Focused on addressing the prevalent issue of mental health distress among youth, particularly those systematically excluded from mental health dialogue and action, it adapts programming to cater to diverse youth demographics and communities across Canada. Its approach centers on upstream prevention of mental distress and the promotion of mental well-being.

It is within this context that welcomes nominations for the appointments to its Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the affairs of the organization. The Board discharges its responsibilities by delegating the day-to-day operations to the President & CEO and by delegating certain other responsibilities to Board Committees. This position description sets out how individual Directors are expected to engage in the Board’s work and discharge their duties and responsibilities. In discharging their responsibilities, each Director is required to act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of, and exercise the care, diligence, and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances.


Each Director will be asked to serve on at least one Board Committee. Committee appointments are made by the Board on the recommendation of the Chair and in consultation with individual Directors, the President & CEO, and the Governance and Nominating Committee.

Directors are expected to commit the necessary time required to fulfill Board and Committee responsibilities, which includes preparation for and attendance at Board and Committee meetings, the annual general meeting, strategic planning session(s), and special events. The average annual time commitment to fulfill the responsibilities as a Director is 40-50 hours.

Directors are elected by the members for terms of three years and may serve to a maximum of six years. When circumstances warrant, a Director may be elected for a third three-year term subject to the approval of two-thirds of votes cast by members.

Geographical Representation

As a national organization, welcomes nominations of individuals from across Canada, and specifically welcome nominations for those residing outside of Ontario and BC.
Skills Matrix is seeking Nominations from individuals with skills in the following areas:
1. Fundraising
2. Mental Health Systems
3. Strategy

Nomination Form

To nominate an individual, including self nominations, please visit: and Griffith Group are committed to an inclusive, accessible and welcoming hiring process that provides reasonable accommodation to all applicants. Please advise Jane Griffith ( should you require any accommodation to participate in the recruitment and/or assessment processes.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Director of Development

We acknowledge the land we are meeting on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.
Toronto Botanical Garden (TBG) is the leading destination in Toronto to experience sustainable horticulture, and to better understand our collective role as stewards of our ecosystem. With free admission and over 300,000 visitors a year, TBG welcomes everyone to learn to love plants. Beyond an inspiring plant oasis, we are a dynamic community hub and an engaging learning environment.
In partnership with the City of Toronto, TBG is embarking on an exciting landmark capital expansion. Today the Garden is a 4-acre botanical garden nestled in the City of Toronto’s Park System adjacent to Edwards Gardens and the Wilket Creek Trail. As the Garden prepares to expand its managerial oversight across thirty-five acres (in a phased approach), the organization is scaling up to achieve sustained organizational performance as a relevant and inspiring living museum.
Toronto Botanical Garden connects people and plants, fostering sustainable communities and developing reciprocal relationships with nature through lifelong learning.
It is within this context that Toronto Botanical Garden invites applications and nominations for the appointment of its next Director of Development to join TBG on its journey of continued growth as an inspired plant place, an engaging learning environment and a dynamic community hub.
Reporting to the Executive Director, and as a key member of the leadership team, the Director of Development plays an active and strategic role in developing a culture of philanthropy that builds communities of support and attracts high impact philanthropy to TBG’s strategic priorities. The Director creates a development strategy and designs, directs and executes a multifaceted and full complement of fundraising programs, including major gifts and capital campaigns, sponsorship marketing, grant writing, planned giving, core mission and program initiatives, and special events. The Director fosters cross-team collaboration, and motivates and supports a team of staff, Board of Directors and volunteers, including members of the Development Committee, who advocate for TBG in the execution of the development plan.
This appointment requires an entrepreneurial, results oriented and community minded leader who is passionate about the mission of TBG, connecting people to plants, fostering sustainable communities and developing reciprocal relationships with nature through lifelong learning.
As the ideal candidate, you are a collaborative and experienced leader, fundraiser and strategic implementation professional who seeks and inspires excellence and impact in all endeavours. You are a motivated and motivating team builder and organization developer. You are an exceptional and engaging communicator, and have strong interpersonal skills. You can manage multiple priorities, think outside the box, solve problems, and take initiative.
You have proven experience creating and leading comprehensive fund development programs, achieving revenue targets, and building and maintaining relationships with a diverse base of engaged donors, sponsors and partners. You are comfortable managing annual and capital campaigns concurrently, and have knowledge of, and experience with, planned giving, special events planning and management, and marketing processes and concepts. Experience working with membership-based organizations such as museums, cultural, environmental or educational institutions is an asset, as is experience working in support of a voluntary board of directors. Post-secondary education is an asset, as is a CFRE designation. You have demonstrated commitment to advancing equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility, and are committed to TBG as a garden for all; a diverse community that recognizes the life-giving role of nature, working together for a more sustainable world.
To apply or explore this key leadership position at Toronto Botanical Garden further, please submit a comprehensive resume along with a cover letter, in confidence, to Sam Walton ( and/or Noshina Choudhary (
Toronto Botanical Garden is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a welcoming, safe, diverse and inclusive environment. TBG’s workplace has a long-standing policy of providing fair, equitable, and accessible opportunities for all employees and prospective employees. TBG encourages all qualified applicants for employment regardless of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, or disability status.
All qualified candidates are welcome to apply; however, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Toronto Botanical Garden and Griffith Group are committed to an inclusive, accessible and welcoming hiring process that provides reasonable accommodation to all applicants. Please advise Sam Walton ( should you require any accommodation to participate in this posting, recruitment, selection and/or assessment processes.

[Applications Closed] Vice-Provost and Dean, Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Guided by a bold Academic Plan, an ambitious research agenda, and a Master Plan to revitalize the campus and surrounding neighbourhood, Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) is among the most applied-to universities in Ontario and its reputation with business and community leaders continues to rise. TMU offers more than 129 undergraduate and graduate programs. Culturally diverse and inclusive, the university is home to more than 47,000 students, including nearly 3,000 master’s and PhD students, over 4,700 faculty and staff, and more than 217,000 alumni worldwide. TMU was ranked number one on the Forbes list of Canada’s Best Employers for Diversity in 2023, a ranking of the top 150 organizations across the country promoting creative, diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces.
In January 2024, the Yeates School of Graduate Studies officially changed its name to the Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (YSGPS) to recognize the importance of postdoctoral fellows and their contributions to TMU and its scholarly, research and creative (SRC) goals. The new name represents the enhanced focus, integration and commitment to postdocs within the YSGPS administrative structure and dedicated support of postdoctoral success at TMU. YSGPS offers more than 65 graduate programs featuring expert faculty, industry partnerships and cutting-edge labs and equipment. YSGPS programs take an innovative, interdisciplinary approach to learning which demands creative solutions to real-world questions. Students and faculty are engaged with ideas that are transforming industries and changing lives on a global scale. YSGPS programs challenge students and researchers to explore emerging fields and apply new thinking to established ones, to delve deeply into fields of study yet also shatter boundaries, to discover new theories and generate new ideas – and put them into action in rewarding careers. Research at TMU has been on a consistent trajectory of success and growth: externally funded research has more than doubled in the past four years, and has received both CERC and CFREF grants. A solid foundation of SRC excellence has resulted in the University experiencing outstanding success in the Research Infosource 20-year retrospective where it placed first in total comprehensive university income growth, second in not-for-profit research income growth, and third in corporate research income growth.
It is within this context that Toronto Metropolitan University invites applications and nominations for the appointment of its next Vice-Provost and Dean, Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, commencing January 1, 2025, or soon thereafter. This appointment will be for a term of five years and is renewable for a second term as outlined in the Policy and Procedures Relating to Search Committees and Appointments in the Academic Administration (AAA Policy).
Reporting to the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, Dr. Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano, the Vice-Provost & Dean, Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (YSGPS) is the academic leader of the School. The Vice-Provost & Dean is responsible for all aspects of YSGPS’s operations including strategy, program and policy development and implementation, management of financial and human resources, external relations and the School’s strategic planning. The Vice-Provost and Dean also oversees graduate admissions and is deeply involved with graduate student enrollment management and with growing international graduate student enrollment. The Vice-Provost & Dean is an ex-officio member of all graduate council committees and chairs TMU’s Council of the School of Graduate Studies. Composed of affiliated faculty members from each of TMU’s Faculties and Schools, graduate program directors and students, the Council oversees graduate education at TMU, including the development and evaluation of new graduate programs and relevant policies. The Vice-Provost & Dean works closely with the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies and other Vice-Provosts to support and enhance graduate and postdoctoral studies at TMU, ensuring that graduate level scholarships and funding for multidisciplinary programs are managed appropriately amongst the Faculties and Schools. The Vice Provost & Dean also supports the School’s, and University’s, objectives in fundraising and alumni relations.
The ideal candidate is an exemplary academic leader who brings a demonstrated track record of supporting and serving the needs of graduate and postdoctoral students and promoting teaching, SRC, program development, and budget and staff management. Candidates should have progressive experience as a senior academic administrator, a strong record of research accomplishments, demonstrated advocacy of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) principles a comprehensive understanding of the role of graduate students in SRC, and experience teaching and successfully supervising graduate students, and of post-docs is considered an asset. Experience in the development, planning, funding, evaluation, approval and review of graduate programs, as well as with the relevant councils, funding agencies and levels of government involved is also required. Candidates must hold a PhD or other terminal degree and be appointable at the rank of Full professor. The leadership style and attributes which will benefit the successful candidate include being consultative and collaborative, an outstanding communicator, a strong advocate of equity, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, and an engaging problem solver, who is respectful, and a good listener. The ideal candidate embodies what Toronto Metropolitan University is known for: collegiality, innovation and entrepreneurship, nimbleness, and responsiveness.
About TMU
TMU cherishes its role as a city-builder and continues to reshape the downtown core of Toronto. The University has opened a series of new buildings including the Mattamy Athletic Centre at Maple Leaf Gardens, the Image Centre, the Sheldon and Tracy Levy Student Learning Centre, the Centre for Urban Innovation, and the Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex. In Fall 2020, TMU opened its doors to the first cohort of law students, establishing TMU’s new Lincoln Alexander School of Law providing leading-edge legal education with a focus on contemporary issues. In March 2022, the Province of Ontario confirmed its support for TMU’s proposed School of Medicine, which will house 94 medical school seats for undergraduate learners and 105 postgraduate seats. TMU’s School of Medicine in Brampton will welcome its first cohort of medical learners in 2025.
Application Information
Please note that once in this position, the successful candidate is an “associate member” of the Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty Association (TFA) ( The TFA collective agreement can be viewed here; a summary of TFA benefits can be found here.
Toronto Metropolitan University welcomes those who have demonstrated a commitment to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion and will assist us in expanding our capacity for diversity in the broadest sense. In addition, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment in Canada, we encourage applications from members of groups that have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, Indigenous peoples of North America, Black-identified persons, other racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and those who identify as women and/or 2SLGBTQ+. TMU is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. To find out more about legal and policy obligations please visit the accessibility and Human Rights websites.
To apply, or explore this key academic leadership position at Toronto Metropolitan University further, please submit a curriculum vitae along with a cover letter in confidence to Jane Griffith ( and/or Caroline McLean (
All applications must be received before 5pm ET Friday July 26, 2024.
Toronto Metropolitan University is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, upon request, accommodation will be provided by both Griffith Group and Toronto Metropolitan University throughout the recruitment, selection and/or assessment process to applicants with disabilities.

Account Director

Blakely is a woman owned and led strategic fundraising and marketing agency that combines expertise with fresh thinking. Since its founding, Blakely has helped some of the largest, and smallest, non-profits drive results and change lives. While Blakely’s team of strategists, creators, analysts, and project managers have many backgrounds, they all share one ambition: to help non-profits achieve their goals. Blakely values transparency, collaboration, hard work, and curiosity and believes in ideas over egos, guts over glory, collaboration over competition.

It is within this context that Blakely welcomes applications and nominations for the appointment of its Account Director.
Reporting to a Senior Fundraising Strategist, as an integral member of the Client Relationships team, the Account Director serves as the account lead to Blakely clients. Working in partnership with an Account Manager and a Senior Fundraising Strategist, the Account Director leads campaign planning and strategy implementation through the use of budgets and digital-first, integrated campaign strategies. The Account Director plays a leadership role for their clients, supporting the Account Manager in managing the day-to-day activity, and provides leadership through bringing together the creative, data, digital & print production teams to ensure strategy and delivery excellence. Externally, the Account Director represents Blakely at events, conferences, and client meetings and builds relationships across the sector.

As the ideal candidate, you are a proven fundraiser with experience developing direct marketing programs for not-for-profit organizations. You bring a depth of knowledge about integrated direct marketing and annual giving, including digitally integrated campaigns via email, paid media, video, and direct mail. You appreciate the role of data in fundraising programs and can analyze program performance and determine appropriate strategic priorities. You are at ease presenting to various sized audiences and have excellent interpersonal skills. You have managed multiple projects with competing priorities and timelines with a broad range of internal and external partners simultaneously. As such, you are able to think strategically about challenges while developing and executing plans in a fast-paced customer focused manner.
To learn more about this important leadership opportunity with Blakely, please submit a comprehensive resume along with a cover letter in confidence to Sam Walton ( and/or Robin Noftall (

Salary Range: $70,000-$90,000, commensurate with experience. In addition, a comprehensive benefits package including health, dental and vision care, 3 weeks vacation plus an additional 9.5 Blakely days off (half day Fridays before each long weekend and the office is closed for one week at the end of December each year).

Location: This is a location flexible position. The successful candidate will be able to choose where they do their day-to-day work either from home or the Blakely office, located in Aurora, ON. This position can also be fully remote and is considered remote if you live more than 150 kilometers from the Blakely office. Maintaining a good working relationship is key to success, for non-remote workers, there will be a requirement to come into the office occasionally for meetings and meet in person with clients as the role requires. For remote workers, there will be a requirement to come to the Blakely office for in-person meetings approximately 4-6 times per calendar year and occasional travel for in person client meetings dependent on the client and Blakely needs, with reimbursement for travel based on Blakely’s policy.

As a workplace which strives to create a culture based on inclusivity and teamwork, Blakely believes that its culture is its biggest competitive advantage. Blakely provides equal opportunity to all employees and applicants without regard to race, religion, colour, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, neurodiversity or disability, visible or invisible. All qualified candidates are welcome to apply; however, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Blakely and Griffith Group are committed to an inclusive, accessible and welcoming hiring process that provides reasonable accommodation to all applicants. Please advise Sam Walton ( should you require any accommodation to participate in this posting, recruitment, selection and/or assessment processes.

Executive Director

London Cares Homeless Response Services (“London Cares”) are champions with and for people experiencing homelessness, particularly persons with the most complex needs and greatest barriers. The 90 staff are an exceptionally committed team that works with people to be well in stable, safe housing, helping to build a compassionate, inclusive community where no one is left behind. London Cares support individuals experiencing homelessness through a service model that includes street outreach, housing stability services, including supports for veterans experiencing homelessness and the newly opened highly supportive housing program. 

Like many of the people the organization serves, London Cares is on a journey to home. London Cares was formed in 2012 through a partnership of Addiction Services Thames Valley, Regional HIV/AIDS Connection, and Unity Project, and funded by the City of London. Over the years, the organization has evolved both structurally and programmatically to become a more integrated and coordinated response to chronic homelessness in the City of London. In 2018, what began as a pilot project under the auspices of several organizations was formalized as a separate entity.

With the upcoming retirement of its Executive Director, London Cares invites applications and nominations for the appointment of its next Executive Director to steer the organization to the next phase of its development through its continued evolution.

Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director ensures the achievement of London Cares strategic objectives, and is responsible for operational planning and evaluation, financial management, human resources, external relations and stakeholder engagement, and resource development. The Executive Director oversees a budget of approximately $7 million and leads a committed team of approximately 70 full-time employees and 25 casual staff. As the primary spokesperson for London Cares, the Executive Director is responsible for working collaboratively with partners and funders, and represents the organization at municipal tables and all levels of government. The Executive Director maintains positive relationships with community partners and ensures London Cares is an active member of the community helping advance community goals and objectives.

As the ideal candidate, you are a system-oriented, innovative and collaborative leader with demonstrated leadership experience, ideally in the not-for-profit, social services, or healthcare sector where relationship building is evidenced. Experience working within the homelessness sector and navigation of the system; including mental health, harm reduction and trauma-informed best practices and social services, is an asset. You have experience working with a Board of Directors, coupled with experience in human resources, financial planning and oversight, and fundraising. With a track-record of strong and strategic stakeholder engagement, you have the skill to strengthen and expand London Cares’ connection with government and institutional funders. You have exemplary communication and interpersonal skills and are comfortable actively and effectively representing and advocating for London Cares. You are adaptable, solutions focused, and can advance the organization in a complex and shifting landscape. Candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility, coupled with passion for the mission of London Cares in serving the needs of people experiencing homelessness with a trauma informed, harm reduction approach. A post graduate degree in health sciences, social sciences, public administration, business, or a related field is an asset.

To apply or explore this key leadership position at London Cares further, please submit a comprehensive resume along with a cover letter, in confidence, to Sam Walton ( and/or Noshina Choudhary (

London Cares is an equal-opportunity employer and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals, and strongly encourages applications from women, Indigenous persons, racialized persons, persons with disabilities and persons of all sexual orientations and/or gender identities.

All qualified candidates are welcome to apply; however, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

London Cares and Griffith Group are committed to an inclusive, accessible and welcoming hiring process that provides reasonable accommodation to all applicants. Please advise Sam Walton ( should you require any accommodation to participate in this posting, recruitment, selection and/or assessment processes.

Dean, Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education

Ontario Tech University acknowledges the lands and people of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation. We are thankful to be welcomed on these lands in friendship. The lands we are situated on are covered under the Williams Treaties and the traditional territory of the Mississaugas, a branch of the greater Anishinaabeg Nation, including Algonquin, Ojibway, Odawa and Pottawatomi. These lands remain home to a number of Indigenous nations and people.
Recognized as a top ranked institution, Ontario Tech University has grown out of a bold, ambitious vision: to take on the grand challenges we face as a society and find solutions to meet and exceed tomorrow’s needs. By focusing on striving for academic excellence, alongside teaching students new approaches to problem solving along with innovative uses of technology, Ontario Tech University’s commitment to scholarship produces new types of graduates: highly engaged citizen leaders with a creative and innovative spirit; people prepared to excel in the modern workplace, and ready to lead their peers. The University’s faculty experts and researchers collaborate with industry, community, government, and academic organizations, bringing them together alongside our students to uncover innovative solutions for society’s most pressing problems.
Ontario Tech University’s Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education offers cutting-edge online and in-person undergraduate and graduate degrees, and undergraduate and graduate diploma programs designed to develop future educators, leaders, and specialists in teaching, learning, and technology. Its vibrant community of faculty, researchers, professionals, and students supports evidence-based, technology-enhanced research and life-long learning within a caring environment that is highly attuned to the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The Faculty prides itself on the use of innovative classroom technology, meaningful and impactful research, and the education of thoughtful, well-informed, and socially responsible educational leaders. The Faculty has 38 faculty and staff, and over 40 sessional instructors who support 1000 students, 21% of whom are engaged in graduate degree programs.
Through a landmark gift agreement of $3 million from the Frazer family, the Centre for Digital Innovation in Education was established. Serving as a hub for research, collaboration and outreach activities, the Centre will develop strategies and initiatives to enhance equitable education and foster innovation in education. The Faculty of Education was renamed the Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education in September 2023. As one of only two donor-named faculties of education at Ontario universities and the third in Canada, the Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education became the first donor-named faculty at Ontario Tech.
It is within this context that Ontario Tech University invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean, Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education commencing as soon as possible and by no later than January 1, 2025. Reporting to the Provost and Vice-President Academic, and as part of the University’s leadership team, the Dean will provide strategic direction, academic planning leadership, and administrative oversight to achieve the highest possible standards in education, research, and service. To further the vision, mission and goals of the Faculty, the Dean will engage with a variety of internal and external partners, and champion the Faculty locally, nationally, and internationally. The Dean will foster an inclusive, collaborative and supportive environment for the Faculty’s vibrant community, and build on the Faculty’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility. The Dean will work closely and effectively with administrators, faculty, staff, and fellow Decanal colleagues to develop, implement, and adapt ideas and visions as the Faculty and University moves forward in meeting the needs of students, faculty, staff, and the education community.
As the ideal candidate you are a respected and innovative educator with proven leadership and administrative experience, in addition to having academic qualifications (suitable for appointment at the rank of Full Professor) and research achievements relevant to the academic mission of the Faculty. You have a passion for education and innovative, technology-based pedagogy, coupled with a commitment to student success and experience in enhancing the student experience. You have knowledge of educational policy and the professional environment, and the skill to build strong relationships with a variety of external stakeholders including school boards, government, education-related community organizations, and other Faculties of Education. You have the ability to engage in advancement activities, and champion the Faculty locally, nationally, and internationally. Strong interpersonal and communication skills, along with an open and collegial style, and a flexible approach to problem solving are required. A demonstrated commitment to advancing Indigenization, reconciliation, and equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility is also required.
The appointment of the Dean is for a five-year renewable term commencing no later than January 1, 2025. Consideration of candidates will begin immediately.
To apply or explore this academic leadership position at Ontario Tech University further, please submit a curriculum vitae along with a cover letter in confidence to Sam Walton ( and/or Noshina Choudhary (

Ontario Tech University is actively committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigenization and decolonization (EDIID), and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates, while especially encouraging applications from First Nations, Metis, Inuit peoples, Indigenous peoples of North America, racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and those who identify as women and/or 2SLGBTQ+. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.
Ontario Tech University respects people’s different needs and therefore will take all reasonable steps to ensure accommodation for applicants where appropriate. If you require accommodations during the recruitment process, please contact

Executive Director / Directrice générale

Executive Director / Directrice générale{Women’s Shelters Canada / Hébergement femmes CanadaThe opportunityWomen’s Shelters Canada (“WSC”) provides a strong, unified, pan-Canadian voice on the issue of …

President & Chief Executive Officer

The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
Today, the City of Hamilton is home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island (North America) and we recognize that we must do more to learn about the rich history of this land so that we can better understand our roles as residents, neighbours, partners and caretakers.
Hamilton Community Foundation (HCF) is deeply humbled by, and grateful, to our Indigenous partners and would like to acknowledge their grace and work over the past two years in helping to shape this Declaration of Action on Truth and Reconciliation. We commit to ongoing reciprocal relationship and trust building, to implementation that will bring this Declaration to life, and to measuring progress in the short and long-term.
With the mission to drive positive change by connecting diverse people, ideas and resources, Hamilton Community Foundation (HCF) has grown to hold over $260 million in assets, and grants over $10 million a year to community. Founded in 1954 as Ontario’s first community foundation, HCF is a well-respected community leader in Hamilton, and a member of the Community Foundations of Canada, the national membership organization whose members contribute time, leadership and financial support to initiatives that benefit their community most, based on an intimate understanding of local needs and opportunities. Guided by an engaged Board, and a highly engaged and committed team, HCF is now in the third year of an ambitious five-year strategic plan that includes major initiatives in education, affordable housing, impact investing, equity, diversity and inclusion and relationships with Indigenous communities.
It is within this context that the Hamilton Community Foundation welcomes applications and nominations for the appointment of its next President & Chief Executive Officer, commencing fall 2024 or soon after.
Reporting to a volunteer Board of Directors, the President & CEO is responsible for the execution HCF’s mission, strategy and business plan. With oversight of the entirety of the organization, the President & CEO’s responsibilities include all aspects of HCF’s budget and financial direction, operational and governance policies, community leadership and investment, revenue and fund development activities, and with ensuring that the culture of HCF remains one of inspiration, engagement, and impact. The President & CEO, in conjunction with the Board, its sub-committees and staff, also provides judicious and diligent assessment of HCF’s investment portfolio, including oversight of the investment management of HCF’s financial assets. The President & CEO represents the organization, liaising and advocating with various levels of government, HCF’s community partners, and its donors to further the goals of the organization. Serving as the organization’s spokesperson, the President & CEO also convenes meetings, forums and discussion groups in support of building a collaborative approach to community leaders initiatives.
As the ideal candidate, you are a highly regarded and respected community-focused leader who has worked at a leadership level in an organization of similar complexity. You have a strong commitment to Hamilton Community Foundation’s mission and values and recognize its critical role investing its philanthropic capital in initiatives that will have a positive community impact. You have exceptional community engagement skills, financial and business acumen, experience and comfort with all aspects of fundraising, donor stewardship, grant making and community investment, and with organizational strategy. Experience working with or reporting to a Board of Directors is considered a strong asset. Your peers describe you as a community-builder who empowers high performance, mission-driven, and results-oriented teams. You are a future-focused leader with the required skills to influence societal change and manage complex, multi-faceted dynamic relationships with leaders in Hamilton, across the province, and country. Candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility, to Indigenous ways of knowing and being, and the necessary cultural competencies to lead a multi-generational, culturally diverse workforce.
To learn more about this impactful leadership opportunity within Hamilton Community Foundation, please submit a comprehensive resume along with a cover letter in confidence to Jane Griffith ( and/or Caroline McLean ( or visit LINK
Hamilton Community Foundation welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including, but not limited to women, Indigenous persons, racialized persons, persons with disabilities and persons of all sexual orientations and/or gender identities.
All qualified candidates are welcome to apply; however, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Hamilton Community Foundation and Griffith Group are committed to an inclusive, accessible and a welcoming hiring process that provides reasonable accommodation to all applicants. Please advise Jane Griffith ( should you require any accommodation to participate in the recruitment and/or assessment processes.